A Few of My Favorite Things
2021- ongoing
Collections are started for many reasons. They can be souvenirs from a new location or can arise from being related to our hobbies or jobs, and other times they can stem from a connection to our childhood. As a collector myself, I can attest to all of these instances, and understand the obsession once a collection is underway. There is the gleeful anticipation, then the rush of seeking out the perfect item to add, followed by the growing excitement as the latest one has been locked on, and finally the joy of victory once the object has been claimed. Our natural need for happiness attained.
The world we live in is a contrast between the natural realm and the man-made material objects we accumulate in our lifetimes. This series showcases the curated collections of man-made items individuals have compiled and reshapes the collection in its entirety into forms inspired by nature. Movement is a common thread incorporated amongst the forms, as the act of collecting is one that fluidly morphs between obsession, remembrance and emotion.
In order to have full control of the angle, size, and image quality of each item within a collection, I photographed each object individually on either a black or white backdrop. Eliminating the background emphasized the focus on the objects and the forms created.
I digitally cut out each object and re-assembled them together into forms inspired by natural elements. Each of the collections had their own personality and shape capabilities that influenced what their final form would become. The final prints of the collections are oversized to enable the individual details to be seen more clearly, while providing an immersive experience.